Dilip Subramanian
Enseignant-chercheur, Département Hommes et Organisation, Reims Management School
Thèmes de recherche
Thèse : Usine Indienne. Travail, firme et société dans une entreprise d’État : Indian Telephone Industries Bangalore (1948 – 2002).
Projet de recherche en cours :
La formation professionnelle dans l’industrie en France (Projet soutenu par la Commission Européenne).
L’organisation de la production dans l’industrie pharmaceutique en France (Projet soutenu par l’Agence Nationale de Recherche).
Principales publications
- From Monopoly power to deregulated markets: The travails of a state‑owned firm (ITI Ltd), Contributions to Indian Sociology, Vol. 48, n° 1, 2014 pp. 73‑102, Subramanian D.
- Training and Capabilities in French Firms: How Work and Organisational Governance Matter, International Journal of Manpower, Vol 34, n°4, 2013, pp.326‑344, Subramanian D., Zimmermann B.
- Bringing Sen’s Capability Approach to work and human resource practices, International Journal of Manpower, Vol 34,n°4, 2013, pp.292‑304, Subramanian D., Verd J. M., Vero J., Zimmermann B.
- Business and Labour in a Public Sector Company : Indian Telephone Industries Bangalore (1948-2006), Social Science Press, New Delhi, à paraître: décembre 2009.
- Construction et démantèlement d’un programme d’aide sociale au sein d’une entreprise publique indienne de télécommunications. In M. Cartier, J.-N. Retière, et Y. Siblot (dirs.), Ouvriers et employés à statut d’hier à aujourd’hui, Presses Universitaires de Rennes, Rennes, à paraître: novembre 2009.
- Voluntary Retirement Schemes. In Kaushik Basu (ed.), Oxford Companion to Economics in India, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2006.
- Work and Autonomy in the Assembly of Printed Circuit Boards: An Ethnographic Account, Contributions to Indian Sociology, à paraître: Vol. 43, No. 3, December 2009.
- Occupational Mobility and Internal Labour Markets: Public Sector Workers’ Struggles in Bangalore (circa 1960-1980), International Review of Social History, No. 53, December 2008.
- A Sociological Profile of a Public Sector Workforce, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XLII, No. 51, 22 December 2007.
- Deregulation and Labour Policies in a Public Sector Firm. Mixed Results at ITI, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XL, Nos. 22-23, 28 May-4 June 2005.
- Review Essay: Indian labour. The benefits of plurality, Contributions to Indian Sociology, Vol. 39, No. 1, January-April 2005.
- Impact of Deregulation on a Public Sector Firm. Case study of ITI, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXXIX, No. 49, 4 December 2004.
- Government Wage Policies in Public Sector, 1947-1982. Relative Failure of Dirigisme, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXXVI, n°2, 13 January 2001, pp. 140-154.
- Unity Building Efforts by Public Sector Unions and Managements in Bangalore, 1960s to 1970s, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXXIII, n°1-2, 10 January 1998.
- Bangalore Public Sector: The Unofficial Strike 1981, South Indian Studies, n°3, January-June 1997.
- Bangalore Public Sector Strike, 1980-1981. A Critical Appraisal, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol. XXXII, n°15, 12 April 1997, pp. 767-778 ; n°16, 19 April 1997, pp. 843-853.